Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cold Weather and Zoysia - Colour Change

We are being advised by the BOM of a week of very cold weather that is coming next week - say 13 - 21 May 2018.

Some in the BOM are saying some of the coldest weather for many years is expected across southern and eastern areas of Australia next week.

Cold weather will turn almost all zoysia turf areas a golden tan or yellow colour.  Little can be done to avoid it.

A very common and totally normal issue in China and Korea in winter [ both have extensive naturalised zoysia grass regions] as well as in some parts of the USA where zoysia is used.  It is well known here in Australia eg parts of Melbourne in cold winters, but not necessarily every year.

So be aware - your zoysia lawn is unlikely to die, but is also likely to not be green in the cooler weather if heavily affected.

Recovery is expected in warmer weather in spring.

First plot - dormant zoysia turf in winter -fescues green behind [US photo] 

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